06 Jan

Gastric sleeve surgery is an effective way to lose weight and maintain a healthy weight. The procedure has been shown to help people achieve long-term weight loss, but it's important to understand how lifestyle changes can impact your body after gastric sleeve weight loss surgery in Melbourne. Here are some key tips for maintaining a healthy post-sleeve diet:

Be Aware of Food Portions

When you're trying to maintain a healthy weight after gastric sleeve surgery, portion size is the key. It's important that you learn how much food portions should look like so that you can keep your calories low and still feel satisfied.There are two main ways of measuring food portions: using your hand or using an app. Some people like doing it one way, while others prefer the other. Whichever method you choose, it's crucial that you measure your portions every time before eating—and this is true even if you're making something homemade! If a recipe calls for 1 cup of spaghetti sauce and 1/2 cup of meatballs, don't eyeball those measurements; always use measuring cups or spoons to be sure that what comes out will be consistent with what went in (and thus avoid overeating).If using measuring cups feels too tedious for everyday life, try downloading an app designed specifically for tracking meals post-surgery—or consider getting an inexpensive kitchen scale (these usually cost around $20).

Consider Using an App to Measure Calories

As you work to maintain your weight, it's important to keep in mind that calories are more important than weight loss. A weight loss of 1–2 pounds per week is safe and healthy. Someone who loses more than this on average is likely losing muscle mass as well as fat, which can cause them to look thin but still be overweight or obese.You may find that using an app to track calories can help you maintain a healthy weight after gastric sleeve surgery. There are many free apps available that allow you to enter the food items you eat into a database and calculate its caloric content based on its nutritional information. They also allow for tracking of exercise, water intake, and other factors related to your health and lifestyle choices.

Don't Let Emotions Influence Your Eating Habits

After gastric sleeve surgery, you’re going to find that it is harder to satisfy your hunger and cravings. You will want to make sure that the food you eat is healthy and not just a substitute for emotional eating.Don't Let Emotions Influence Your Eating Habits:

  • Don't eat when you are stressed or angry - People often turn to food as a way of coping with negative emotions such as stress or anger. This can result in weight gain because the person does not learn how to deal with these emotions appropriately. If you feel like eating when stressed or angry, try doing something else such as taking a walk or watching television instead of eating so much food!
  • Don't eat because of peer pressure - It's common for people who have had bariatric surgery like gastric sleeve surgery (and other types) to experience social pressure from their friends and family members who may ask them why they don't want any cake at their birthday party when everyone else gets some! This type of social pressure is difficult but if it happens try explaining why without feeling guilty about what others think about this situation."

Include Fiber in Your Diet but be Careful with It at the Same Time

Fiber is an important part of any diet. You can find it in vegetables, fruit and whole grains. Most people need to eat more fiber than they do today and the goal of our patients after surgery is to get at least 30 grams a day. The problem for some people that have had gastric sleeve surgery is that they may not tolerate fiber well after their procedure.The best way to increase your fiber intake if you are having issues with it is by increasing your soluble fiber intake but reducing insoluble fiber intake (bran). This will help with bloating and gas production which are common side effects of taking too much insoluble fiber.If this does not work then try changing the type of insoluble or soluble fibers that you take in daily so that you can find one that works better for your body after gastric sleeve surgery in Melbourne.


If you’ve had gastric sleeve surgery, it might seem like a lot of work to maintain a healthy weight. But the good news is that it doesn’t have to be difficult! By avoiding emotional eating and keeping your portion sizes in check, you can easily avoid weight gain after your surgery. And don’t forget about fiber—it will help keep things moving along smoothly inside your body so that all those nutrients stay where they belong: inside! 

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