If you’re struggling with obesity, you’ve probably considered gastric balloon surgery as an option to lose weight. Before going through with this treatment method, however, it’s important to consider all the facts about gastric balloon Melbourne and their effectiveness. In this article, we’ll cover the basics of gastric balloons and whether they’re right for you. Read on to learn more about this surgery and whether it may be the right weight loss option for you!
A gastric balloon in Melbourne is inserted into the stomach. It takes up space and so limits the amount of food you can eat, which in turn results in weight loss. To insert the gastric balloon, a small incision is made under your ribs on your side. The introducer tube is passed through this incision and up towards your stomach where it will be positioned over your esophagus or gullet. The end of the introducer tube has been fitted with an inflatable balloon-shaped device that sits on top of your stomach like a dome, expanding as it fills with fluid and becoming firmer once all the fluid has been injected.
Gastric ballooning is an effective and long-term solution for weight loss. In order to be eligible, you must meet the following requirements:
If you are currently looking into this procedure, it is recommended that you take a gastric balloon Melbourne test.
The gastric balloon provides fast, safe, and effective weight loss without the risks associated with surgical procedures. The device is inserted into the stomach through an endoscope, inflated, and then removed. Patients will experience an early feeling of fullness which will decrease their appetite, making it easier to stick to the plan post-procedure. The average procedure takes one hour or less and recovery time is short - usually within five days. Depending on weight goals and other factors, patients can lose up to 3 kgs per week with no need for further surgery.
How much weight you can lose with the balloon depends on your current weight, the size of the balloon inserted, and how long you have it in place. In general, gastric balloons provide an average of between 15-25 pounds of weight loss over the course of three months. However, it is important to note that some people may be able to lose more than 25 pounds and others may only lose around 15. This type of weight loss varies by person. Some people may be able to lose more than 25 pounds while others may only be able to lose around 15 pounds. It also depends on factors such as how long the device is in place, what size balloon was used, and what medical issues they are facing. The overall cost of gastric band surgery in Melbourne ranges depending on the procedure performed as well as its complexity.